Ben Affleck
Duration: 108Minutes
7,3 / 10 Star
country: USA
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The way back. The way back home trailer. The way back ben affleck. The way back book. The way back home korean song. Synopsis We've all been there. Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he strikes up with one of the park's managers. Cast Crew Details Genres Directors Producers Writers Editor Cinematography Production Design Art Direction Set Decoration Composer Studios Country Language Alternative Titles Un camino hacia mi, 往返之路, 心路源泉, Cet ete la, 더 웨이 웨이 백, Desde Muy Muy Atras, The Way Back, El camino de vuelta Popular reviews More This is undoubtedly my favourite film of 2013. The coming of age story about a socially awkward teen (Liam James) who has been forced to spend summer at the beach with his mother (Toni Collette) and her new 'douchey' boyfriend (Steve Carell). This set up maybe seem like another cliche cinema experience however the performances and subtlety with which this film has been crafted and created, deliver one of the most genuine and enjoyable films of the year. From this point on I will unconditionally watch anything created by or starring Jim Rash. A special mention has to be awarded to Sam Rockwell who absolutely steals this film playing a loveable, kind and larger than life water park owner. If you have not seen this film yet then stop what you are doing, find a way to get your hands on a copy and watch it! a terrible movie, but it's nice to see that AnnaSophia Robb managed to grow her arm back. this is why i don't go to sundance. regressive, self-satisfied, coming-of-age drivel... not a moment of novelty or cinema. the lead is leaden, one of the most egregious examples of the recent trend of male protagonists who are so obviously ciphers for a bland *experience* that they're almost entirely devoid of the most basic human emotion or capacity for action, so that simply doing SOMETHING becomes a climactic event. sam rockwell is terrific, but missing 4 weeks of his prime. me @ the beginning of this movie: carell is right I'm a 3... I suk me @ the end of this movie: fuck Steve carell!!!! I can do anything & sam Rockwell would probably think I'm cool. The world is beautiful & I feel light & fresh & nice. This is such a pure movie & it makes me so incredibly happy the wonderful, glorious, beautiful but rare instance of sam rockwell not playing a racist i'm a 3 but sam rockwell believes in me and thats all i need I really enjoyed it. Sam Rockwell was awesome. All in all The Way, Way Back is a solid coming of age drama/comedy. Although, I did have one problem with the movie. It moved way too fast. Not nearly enough time is focussed on the relationships between Duncan and Owen, as well as Duncan and Susanna. They just weren't developed as much as they should have been. Don't get me wrong Duncan & Owen's friendship was displayed, I just thought there could have been more to it. By the end I was left wanting a lot more and slightly underwhelmed. Still I was very much able to relate myself to Duncan when I was his age. More development could have made this movie great. Recent reviews i think the first movie ever where i hated steve carell's character??? but this just became my new fav movie so cute i just loved sam rockwell's character so much ugh so cute!!!! funny & sad... and maya rudolph we ALWAYS LOVE!!! allison janney is also sooo funny ugh so many good characters One of my favorites. Nothing groundbreaking, but never fails to put me in a good mood. When "Power Hungry Animals" plays at the end... a cultural reset. This movie... "Let it be yours. " this movie is magnificent. watched at least 10 times Coming of age movie in which nothing really happened. The only noteworthy thing was a gloriously unhinged performance by Allison "CJ" Janney. Sam Rockwell, forever the king I cant believe that my “film” teacher asked us to watch this crap for my final exam. It is the most pointless film I have seen, and its sad that it has a good cast, are all of these actors that broke? Was my favorite movie for a long long time. Popular Lists Random Movie Roulette Rules: Generate a number (from 1 to x) via: See how many number of films there are in the….
The way back double toasted. The way back 2020. The way back 2020 rating. The way back 2010. Jimmy is my way back. We went to preschool together and I was an usher in his wedding. We are tighter than tight. I thought she was my way back but I was way wrong. I guess old girlfriends can't ever be your true friend, even twenty years later. in any vehicle with 2+ rows, any seat or area behind the second row of seats, typically, cargo space rather than seating by slyght February 17, 2006 The rear facing seat in the very back ( third row) of a 1960s era Station Wagon. It folded down into the floor for a smooth cargo area or folded up as a smaller bench seat, often the youngest kids were seated there. Very dangerous location if there was a collision, especially as there were often no seat belts. Maybe the reason for the title of the movie The Way Way Back is because Duncan couldn't get far enough away from Steve Carell even in the Way Back. Noun. Ancestors, especially from abroad. Originating in the phrase 'way back' indicating a period in the distant past. Robert Asked Simon where his waybacks were from Jenny Chu's waybacks arrived in the USA from china in 1870.
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